
A brief look at the language learning market and lifelong learners.

Language is an essential life skill, but many people find it difficult to learn. Motivation is key here. We learn best when there is intrinsic motivation - a genuine interest or a need in our social and occupational aspects of life. For example, meeting someone of a different ethnic background, or starting a new life in a foreign country. However, many lifelong learners often give up mid-way through their language learning journey. This is due to a lack of aforementioned intrinsic motivation, or an absence of effective and practical learning opportunities.

Paradoxically, in spite of these struggles with consistency and commitment, people have always paid to learn languages. This purchasing behavior has only grown rapidly with the emergence of digital applications.

Research data has shown that the current $60B D2C language learning market will double by 2025[1]. Digital applications are set to lead the charge, and are expected to triple their growth. Language learning is materially underestimated due to a traditional offline market, with a strong yet recent surge in digital growth. Both our demand side model, and supply side build, suggest a $115B+ market by 2025[1].

Even with language learning's significant market size, there are several concerns from lifelong learners that have yet to be addressed. “How do I keep learning the language? How do I stay motivated? And how can I learn more effectively?” This is where extrinsic motivation can assist. Numerous psychological studies have proven that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can work together to form a virtuous cycle (essentially a positive feedback loop), which further strengthen and sustain learning behaviors in education[2][3]. This is very much the reason we have developed the Learn-To-Earn mechanism for our dApp.

Instead of paying endlessly for learning, you can get paid for learning practical knowledge and skills. That’s now possible with SAYVE.

[1]: Education Intelligence Unit. “$60B D2C language learning market to double by 2025, led by digital delivering 3X growth.”
[2]: Noels, Kimberly A. "New orientations in language learning motivation: Towards a model of intrinsic, extrinsic, and integrative orientations and motivation." Motivation and second language acquisition 23 (2001): 43-68.
[3]: Slavin, Robert E. "Can financial incentives enhance educational outcomes? Evidence from international experiments." Educational Research Review 5.1 (2010): 68-80.

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