Upgrades and leveling up

An explanation on the leveling system.

In addition to gear upgrades, a character can also level up themselves, increasing their attributes.

The user can level up their NFT characters by burning $LINGO, with $SAYVE being required at certain milestones. In order to level up, you must complete a fixed number of lessons, which increases with each level of your character, along with the amount of $LINGO and $SAYVE required.

For the first 10 levels, the character will level up automatically when they complete the prerequisite number of missions. For level 10, the user will need to burn $LINGO to make the upgrade. Automatic leveling continues until level 20, whereupon each level will now require the user to burn $LINGO and (on occasion) SAYVE. For additional details, please see the chart below:

| Character Level Ups | Level |Requirements |Benefits/Growth |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| -- | 1-9 | Based on # of missions | -- |
| -- | 10 | 15 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 11-19 | Based on # of missions | -- |
| -- | 20 | 30 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 21 | 35 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 22 | 40 $LINGO | -- |
| -- | 23 | 45 $LINGO + 25 $SAYVE | -- |
| -- | 24 | 60 $LINGO + 50 $SAYVE  | -- |
| -- | 25 | 50 $LINGO + 100 $SAYVE  | -- |

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