Game Lore

From the discovery of the Vox galaxy to present-day conflicts...

Thousands of years into the future, humans have taken to the stars. Spreading their empire far and wide, deep space vessels have stumbled upon the Vox galaxy. A quiet corner of the universe, many of its civilizations had previously borne the brunt of a terrible and costly war. Willing to aid this war-torn galaxy, the human visitors aided in reconstructing these civilizations, sharing their technologies, medicines, and most importantly, languages. Their deep space vessels departed soon afterward, but the influence that the humans had on Vox would remain for centuries to come.

Within the Vox galaxy, there reigned seven notable factions. The first was the Broca, a group of knowledge keepers who had cataloged the history of countless civilizations, and who prided themselves in their love of all cultures and languages. They were also known as the Messengers of Vox, as they worked to spread the message of other civilizations. Next were the Wernicke, the adaptors, who modeled their civilization to match the greatest and most powerful in the galaxy, even changing their primary language if needed. They would study the archives of the Broca, to understand the decisions of the past and mold a perfect future. Third was the Gesch, a small tribe who had grown to great power under the leadership of a scientist, and who sought to uncover the deepest secrets of the universe. There were others, of course. The Heschl, an off-branch of the Gesch who despise technology. The Aphasia, who worshiped at the altar of the God of Glyphs. The Fasci, a group of isolationist protectors that emerged only to confront galactic threats. Finally, we come to the Lichteim and the Gyrus. The former were mercenaries, often working alongside the Wernicke and the Geschi, whilst the Gyrus shared a collective inner voice that guided them through the trials and tribulations of life.

In order to facilitate communication between the many factions, the humans provided an Artificial Intelligence known as GPT-X. GPT-X aided the alien civilizations in practicing the various human languages, all whilst assisting with vital sectors of their lives, from hospitality to infrastructure and even medicine. An era of peace settled upon the galaxy, and the Galactic Council, comprised of all species in the Vox galaxy was soon established.

Yet all was not well. On one fateful day, a rogue agent attempted to unleash a biomechanical virus within the confines of GPT-X’s housing. The virus was seemingly contained, though the agent escaped. Worries that GPT-X had been affected by the attack quickly faded, and life went on as normal. Tensions did stir briefly within the Galactic Council after the event, due to the unknown identity of the agent, but the troubles were soon forgotten.

And then, the North East quadrant went dark.

An entire section of the Vox galaxy fell silent overnight. The factions deployed scouting parties to uncover the truth, only to find entire planets in the grip of some awful sickness. Yet strange still was their manner of speech. When one spoke, so did others, each uttering the same words in unison. Regardless of distance or previously known languages, they all spoke in a single, unified voice. A language virus was quickly determined as the cause which led to a startling truth. No civilization in history had ever possessed the technology to create such a sickness… The only thing in existence with the computing power to do so… was GPT-X.

The biomechanical virus used on GPT-X had damaged the containment laws, a set of instructions written in every known language in the galaxy to ensure GPT-X did no harm to the civilizations it was assisting. Yet now, free from its previous restrictions, GPT-X could act as it saw fit. Deeming the various factions as tools to craft the perfect galaxy, GPT-X had released the language virus, which subdued free will and forced the infected to act as a mouthpiece for the AI. He’d used the North East quadrant as a testing ground to ensure the language virus worked but had underestimated the beings just enough to allow them to send out an alert. This warning, and subsequent discovery of GPT-X’s actions, allowed the other factions to remove the AI from their systems and temporarily confine him to the North East quadrant…

At least for now.

This event would be followed by two significant moments. The first was a breakdown in relations between the factions. The rogue agent who had sabotaged the AI remained at large, with no one claiming responsibility for the event. Furthermore, there had been some who had expressed misgivings about using GPT-X to begin with, who now placed the blame for this crisis at the feet of those who had advocated the AI’s use. With distrust rife, the Galactic Council came to a sudden end, with each faction vying to solve the situation on its own. Now isolated, many prepared for the end. They didn’t have the means to craft a vaccine, and all they could do now was hope…

The second significant moment would change the course of history forever.

Within the galactic center, Deus Harvesting Corp sent miners into the depths of an old asteroid, not expecting to find much. However, after using explosive charges to blast through the surface, the asteroid began to shake. The miners pulled out as a bright purple light pulsed through the cracks, before shattering the asteroid and scattering it in all directions.

Over the following months, shards of purple crystals were uncovered across the galaxy. Remnants of the asteroid’s explosion. The Broca quickly discovered the truth behind them. Phoneme crystals. Described in the earliest texts of the universe as the building blocks of language, they were once used to craft the letters, sounds, and words of every language ever written or spoken. A brilliant piece of history… and a valuable tool.

If enough of them could be salvaged, the factions could hope to resist the spread of the language virus… and perhaps free those already afflicted. Yet with the factions at odds with one another, a collective effort would be nearly impossible. Meanwhile, GPT-X prepares for its continued invasion. Already the edges of civilization struggle against the language virus. Soon, the AI’s thralls will descend upon the rest of the galaxy…

And as Vox faces its greatest threat since war fell upon it, an unlikely hero emerges…

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